Jason: You mean so much to me.
You are my everything. I love you wiht all of my heart. I promise nothing/no one
will ever come between us. What we have is real, and i plan to keep it that way. Remember..sis's party, the farm, 43-Math,
steven's party, haha " the red ones are better" mm, feed MY frankenstein, my mom loves you, you got a little something right
here *points to corner of mouth*, candleit dinners,ghost, haha streaky "she's got some whomping legs on'er", "smelly smelly
smelly girl, why aren't they washing you?"..sleepovers..the can of pop....Love you so much! xo (nice arm ;) )
Steven:You're one of a kind you really
are. You're an awesome freind, a real great looker outter for me. So many memories, sleepovers at my house wiht Tay and Lyz..ugh,
the fat aly in teh purple dress at the lighthouse..u and that damn flashlight, you're party, dances (specially bayview when
we showed them all up with our crotch-grabbing move) Ur curly locks sure are beautiful..i am really super jealous..p/s best
of both sexes, that's us ;)
- Danny Bung, Ryan,Brian, Caleb, Shane, Trevor, Neil (miss you!) Taylor,
Jonathan, Brandon, Toby, Paddy ( i miss our frees...), Pat, Garrett (frigg her, she's a playa hata *psh*), Joel (ur crazy

Garrett, what's wrong buddy? HA |
A guy is the best friend a girl can have. Girls are cruel, backstabbing snots. It's true we're evil creatures. I realize
after 7 years of backstabbing, lieing, ditching and all that other bullshit from girls why i hang out with guys. I have my
mom to talk to, my boyfriend to love, and guy friends chill with. No more drama!