Okay so this is how it all started, so, we were like friends and we went to
the same school and like, i was like, and she was like, hey! i think i know you, are you...cuz i am....annnnnnnnnnd, *ponders*
i forget....oh yeah, annnnnnd i was like, wanna hang out sometime and shes like yeah we can so hang out, do you like hair?
cuz i like makeup...*ponders* okay,so my lips r hurting......., so now we're like really good friends, like bff, like that
good of a friends. you know like how ***** we are tight, we are all up on each others grill. high five!!! oh you missed...stupid..you
must be slow im brain dead thats it. the end. tooodle loo, au revoir, cianara, ciao, lata...PEACE one luv...
